Tuesday, June 2, 2015

TIPS for Autism

This was a very intense 3 day work shop. I learnt a lot of tips and ways children think. It was great to spend time with the child's parents and get to know them better. We are all wanting the very best for our children.
We covered these headings:
Day one:
*What is ASD?
*Changes to the diagnostic criteria
*Walking in their shoes
*Links to the  NZ curriculum
*Visual supports
*Team activities
* Social  communication
*How do we teach play?
*Play strategies
Day two:
*What is  communication?
*Expressive communication
*Receptive communication
*Communications strategies
*Thinking introduction
*Thinking strategies
*ASD and special  interests
*Individual  activity :special interests
*Special interests kits and demonstration
Day three:
*What is behavior?
*Preventative  strategies
*Emotional  regulation
*Positive  behaviour supports
*Functional behavior assessment
*Planning and develop a long term plan
This was a rewarding and very full 3 days. By the end we developed a IEP for our child that was whanau built with professional input too.
I came  back with a great understanding of how ASD children think and a better understanding of what life is like for them. We all think   communicating is easy but this course make you stop and think about the things we say. Sometimes simple instructions are not so simple.
If you ever get a chance to do this course DO IT !!!!!!

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